There will be a plant sale to benefit the Pewabic Street Community Garden from 10 am – 3 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church on Montezuma Ave. in Houghton. Saturday, May 28th.

All events for Cottage Food Law Workshops
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Cottage Food Law Workshops
April 20–Newberry April 21–Sault Ste Marie April 22–St. Ignace This law allows residents to prepare and store certain foods in a home kitchen. The two hour workshop combines the business and food safety aspects of preparing and selling cottage foods safely and successfully. Participants in the workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Contact Michelle Walk at for more information. Cost is $15.00
Find out more »Plant Exchange – May 28th – Calumet Art Center
Plant Exchange at Calumet Art Center – Saturday, May 28th 1 pm Contact Dawn Andersson as for more information
UP Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project: Survey Now Open
UP Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project: Survey Now Open The Upper Peninsula Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project is a cooperative venture between several stakeholders including Marquette County, MSU Extension, Upper Peninsula Food Exchange, Farm Bureau, and regional planning organizations, and has hired Karen Karp & Partners along with John-Mark Hack of Marksbury Farm and BJH… Read the full article
New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equiptment
USDA Offers New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equipment Portable Equipment Can Help Producers, including Small-Scale and Local Farmers, Get Products to Market Quickly COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 29, 2016 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide a new financing option to help farmers purchase portable storage and handling equipment. Farm… Read the full article