There will be a plant sale to benefit the Pewabic Street Community Garden from 10 am – 3 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church on Montezuma Ave. in Houghton. Saturday, May 28th.

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MSU Extension Master Gardener Program
The Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a volunteer leader training program offered by MSU Extension to those who are interested in learning more about general gardening and have the desire to pass that knowledge on to others. No experience or prior knowledge is required! Participants will gain access to world class gardening knowledge. Instructors will cover a series of 13 topics based on university research including: plant and soil sciences, annuals and perennial flowers, small fruits, tree fruits, vegetable…
Find out more »MSU North Farm Short Course: Season Extension
NORTH FARM SHORT COURSE: SEASON EXTENSION – Sunday, April 17 · 1-6 pm Growing food throughout the year increases food security and can bolster your farm’s earnings. This course will be valuable for individuals in the planning stages of hoop house construction. Hands-on: Bend hoops for a 4’X12’ bed Topics: Which hoop house is right for your operation? Siting considerations Hoop house planting schedules Crops for year-round production
Find out more »Plant Sale – May 28th – Houghton
There will be a plant sale to benefit the Pewabic Street Community Garden from 10 am - 3 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church on Montezuma Ave. in Houghton. Saturday, May 28th.
Find out more »Plant Exchange – May 28th – Calumet Art Center
Plant Exchange at Calumet Art Center - Saturday, May 28th 1 pm Contact Dawn Andersson as for more information
Find out more »MSU North Farm Short Course: Small Farm Systems
MSU NORTH FARM SHORT COURSE: SMALL FARM SYSTEMS – Sunday, June 26 · 1-6 pm A farm is greater than the sum of its parts. This course looks at several farm systems and how they intersect. Get tips and tricks for building a lean, efficient farm. Hands-on: Build a strap hoe Topics: Transplant care and schedules Irrigation Fencing Low-cost and farm built tools Time management Recordkeeping
Find out more »Together At The Farm
Together At The Farm - UP Local Food Conference Saturday July 30, 2016 All who eat are welcome! Join us at the MSU Upper Peninsula Research and Extension Center in Chatham, Michigan for the premiere UP Local Food Conference Register Here Conference Schedule Conference Program Session Descriptions 2016 Sponsorship and Vendor Packet Conference Poster Lodging Information Keynote Speaker Eliot Coleman ELIOT COLEMAN has been involved in organic farming since 1966. He has 50 years experience in field vegetables, greenhouse vegetables, rotational grazing of…
Find out more »Cover Crop Field Day
COVER CROP FIELD DAY MENOMINEE COUNTY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3RD @ 11 AM CST Follow the progress of the cover crop research on the Steve Brock Dairy Farm. In 2015, MSU partnered with the dairy and Byron Seeds, LLC to develop a trial to test various cover crop treatments in a rotation that followed sorghum chopped for the dairy herd and before a season of corn silage. The cover crop treatments were planted immediately following the late-summer 2015 harvest. Event…
Find out more »MSU North Farm Short Course: Whole Farm Health
MSU NORTH FARM SHORT COURSE: WHOLE FARM HEALTH – Sunday, August 28 · 1-6 pm Viewing the farm as an organism makes us consider all the living beings that affect everyday life on the farm. From creating a nourishing environment for soil microbes to ways to control pests organically, this short course examines best practices for soil, water, and pest management. Hands-on: Take a soil sample (or bring one from home) and test soil respiration Topics: Cover cropping Soil testing…
Find out more »MSU North Farm Short Course: Seed Saving
MSU NORTH FARM SHORT COURSE: SEED SAVING – Sunday, October 9 · 1-6 pm Saving seeds gives individuals the ability to select UP-hardy plant varieties and carry them on for future generations. Consider the percentage of your budget that goes to open pollinated seeds each year – replacing even a portion of that with seed saved from the farm saves money and creates a story you can tell your buyers. Hands-on: Save seeds from open-pollinated plants using wet and dry…
Find out more »Plant Exchange – May 28th – Calumet Art Center
Plant Exchange at Calumet Art Center – Saturday, May 28th 1 pm Contact Dawn Andersson as for more information
UP Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project: Survey Now Open
UP Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project: Survey Now Open The Upper Peninsula Multi-species Processing Feasibility Study Project is a cooperative venture between several stakeholders including Marquette County, MSU Extension, Upper Peninsula Food Exchange, Farm Bureau, and regional planning organizations, and has hired Karen Karp & Partners along with John-Mark Hack of Marksbury Farm and BJH… Read the full article
New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equiptment
USDA Offers New Loans for Portable Farm Storage and Handling Equipment Portable Equipment Can Help Producers, including Small-Scale and Local Farmers, Get Products to Market Quickly COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 29, 2016 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide a new financing option to help farmers purchase portable storage and handling equipment. Farm… Read the full article